Where is the sea?
Photography series, 2021

“Where is the sea?” is a dystopian narration, which writes the destiny of a character, who, through the door of the sea, gets it onto the world. Smothered in walls or lost in streets, he faces black screens, and unlimited cycles of information. His day continues in a loop in search for reality.

This is a photo-fiction series that narrates the story of a connected society and the effect of simplistic informations, which is mistaken for knowledge nowadays. The abundance of digital media contents makes it harder to retrieve useful information on social networks.

This work explores how information is misguided on social medias to influence users’ behaviors, and how social networks are already a tool of brainwashing; now used as defense mechanisms against mind and knowledge. “Where is the sea?”, adresses the lost human values, and eagerness for knowledge. The Sea represents the human within us; static, yet changing.


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