On Ditpyk magazine

Créer pour résister. Chez Abdelhamid Belahmidi, la photographie répond à un besoin viscéral de s’exprimer pour conjurer le flux de (dés)information constant de notre monde hyperconnecté. À travers ses clichés scénarisés, ce jeune Casablancais de 32 ans cherche à mettre en lumière l’impact du travail sur la santé mentale et le déterminisme inconscient que nous impose la société de consommation. Pour lui, les réseaux sociaux et la curiosité malsaine qu’ils nourrissent sont devenus un outil de contrôle qui nous détourne de la connaissance et du savoir, voire même de nos valeurs.

At the MSA Conferences – Newcastle

Heartwarming moment at the projection of my video art “Code Broken” at Newcastle University, during MSA* conferences, exploring the captivating journey of sign language and its evolution with technology, revealing profound changes that shaped our present.
*MSA : Memore Studies Association
Date : 3 to 7 july 2023

Collective exhibition
Vantage Point Sharjah 10, 2022
Sharjah Art Foundation

Various works, 2021
From ‘Where is the sea?’, 2021
Inkjet prints on paper
28 × 42 cm each

Abdelhamid Belahmidi’s self-taught approach to photography critiques the proliferation of information technologies, their influence on human relationships and ability to distort our conception of the world.
‘Where is the sea?’ (2021) is a dystopian series centred around a character who enters our present through a portal within the sea. He gradually confronts the uncanny black surfaces of screens and the unlimited cycles of information they contain, with the day continuing in a loop as he struggles to locate his known reality.

Open Studio : A-Rust Residency

Can we imagine a coexistence with AI one day? That was the idea behind the photo series ‘Like Iron,’ which envisions the natural ecosystem of Mokrissat village, where artificial intelligence is learning to coexist rather than dominate. This work is a part of the A-rust residency at @djebliclub.

Amid rapid technological progress and discussions on AI, my project at A-rust residency, Djebli Club, takes a reflective step. Through an immersive camera obscura setup in my room, I seek to bridge the gap between emotions and innovation. In this intimate setting, visitors detach from digital noise, embracing sensory immersion.
Date : 31 July to 7 August 2023
To watch the video-photo artwork […]